Case Study

Ticket Booking System

Custom Solution for Ticket Booking System with Flexible Seating Allotment



The Concept of Shubak cinema turns a working Movie ticket booking system into an interactive experience that enchants more customers. Ismael wants to create a multi-vendor cinema booking system, so anyone can book their tickets without going to the theatre but the major concern in Shubak is that our vendor can design the theatre seat layout design as per their wish without any restrictions.

The client wants to make uniqueness as a free seat layout design & multi vendor-franchise model which is going to put smiles on the faces of franchisees, as well as customers.

Overcoming Challenges

Their Challenges and Solution & Our Results with Power-Packed !




Multi Vendor Franchising White

Multi Vendor Franchising


The client wants the facility of managing all franchises and their bookings & payment cycle with ease of access.

We can invite as many as vendors with fixed or dynamic revenue mechanisms.


To achieve Multi-vendor franchising, we have added a mechanism in the backend to make registration with Shubak with the appropriate verification process.

At the time of registering with Shubak, Commission & payment distribution will be set.

Flexible Seating Layout Design White

Flexible Seating layout design


The requisites by the client are amazingly surprising, They wanted a rough canvas where they can put screen & seat arrangement according to their wish which is user-friendly so any vendor can design their theatre as per their wish.


This Feature has made the uniqueness of the project. We have developed a scalable & flexible solution that allows franchise owners to create dynamic seating layouts.

We have achieved this feature using JavaScript with efficient performance.

Manage Multilingual White

Manage Multilingual


As this is an Arabic country, the Arabic layout is necessary for this project. Our client wants a pixel-perfect layout & crystal-clear functionality with both English & Arabic layouts.


While managing multilingual is mostly the language translations but as this project belongs to Saudi Arabia, we need to translate the UI from LTR to RTL.

To deliver it, we have used the i18 package on the Angular side to make it work.

Sync With Cinema White

Sync with Cinema


The application must be a real-time app, each operation must be reflected in all the active user’s accounts.

We can invite as many as vendors with fixed or dynamic revenue mechanisms.


The module is designed to be used to sync the Seat’s Reservation with the franchise owner’s internal system to make it a real-time update.

We have used the asynchronous Web API to update the franchise owner’s record with Json in response.

Revenue Distribution White

Revenue Distribution


They need the facility of dynamically placing the reservation order to any cinema and it will provide the commission based revenue distribution automatically which is set by the Corporate Admin.


This functionality includes in one business strategy with which all the franchise owners are benefited as per their reservation with their part of the commission.

We have provided a mechanism like commission-based UI while adding new franchise owners, so at a certain cycle period all the franchise owners will get paid simultaneously.

Driving Success


And It was a smashing Success..!!

angular tech


Group 15896



SQL Server