Case Study

Helpdesk Management System

Complete Automated Helpdesk Management system to manage all your premises complaints & track it easily.



We were hired to develop a system where all the micro-level communication and complaints-related information can be well-managed by the committee of a huge premise. This system allows multiple users to access it at multiple levels at same time. It furnishes a flow of communication among company members, Contractors, Building Administrator, and Management staff.

It allows residents or companies to post complaints in the system that reaches all the members who are related to that complaint. Complaint gets auto-assigned to the respective contractor.

This system helps the management to track the complaints at all levels and receive accurate updates regarding the complaint and can take action accordingly. This system also has the provision for Guest complaints where guests can also post their complaints without logging in to the system.

Overcoming Challenges

Their Challenges and Solution & Our Results with Power-Packed !




Complaint Management White

Complaint Management


The core feature of this system was to manage user complaints and help them execute all the operations in the smoothest possible way.

With the help of parameters like Status and Priority, complaints are assigned and managed


The flow of complaints has been implemented in such a way that all the related users get filtered and enough information helps them take further steps.

Multi User Communication Channels White

Multi-User Communication Channels


This system has multiple users with different sets of functionalities for which clients wanted to have a system that can function with hassle-free communication.


We designed the base architecture in such a way that the inter-modular communication exchanges proper data differentiated by users.

Data Management White

Data Management


Helpdesk Management System is all about data. The client wanted every bit of information related to the helpdesk to be stored, processed, and managed well.


In order to achieve this, we dug deep to find a solution where we can store and manage current as well as historical data that has been replaced or removed.

We ensured to maintain a history of changes and replaced data, to track the old specifics.

Vendor Assignment Automation White

Vendor Assignment Automation


We needed to develop a feature of vendor assignment that can ease out many operational glitches and offers smooth functions.


To overcome the glitches, we decided to have automation in the Vendor assignments. For that, we had to implement complicated mappings at various stages without impacting other modules and data.

Data Accuracy White

Data Accuracy


From the bunch of huge data, when you are asked to process minute details for multiple operations of multiple users, it becomes challenging to deliver accurate data.


We implemented the combinations of various algorithms in order to communicate correct information with the correct user for the correct action.

Recorded Broadcast Information White

Recorded Broadcast Information


The client had a requirement of broadcasting information that should be recorded in the system to access them in the future.


After understanding and analyzing the required, we categorized the information and implemented a controlled broadcasting feature where authorized users can share the information with all as well as specific groups of users.

Driving Success


And It was a smashing Success..!!

vue js tech

Vue JS


PHP Laravel

Mysql 1


react js tech
Mobile App

React Native